
Italy Travel Maps - Maps to help you plan your Italy Vacation | kimkim

Italy is a country located in Southern Europe with a total area of 301,340 km2 (116,350 sq mi) . Rome as its capital city. With a population of around 60 million people, Italy is the third-most populous member state of the European Union. Due to its geographic location, Italy has historically been home to myriad peoples and cultures and that’s why it is well known for its fashion, wine and art.



Ciao, Carnevale or 9 Authentic Italian Carnival Experiences You Should Have  - Rossi Writes

Carnevale in Italy takes place in the weeks leading up to Easter. It is a big party before Ash Wednesday and Easter. It is held in numerous cities and towns in Italy and Italians celebrate Carnevale with a huge winter festival accompanied by parades, masquerade balls, entertainment, music, and parties. Masks, or maschere, are the most important part of the Carnevale festival, however, various street performances, concerts and boat parades are organized to keep the people entertained.

L’Ardia di San Costantino

L'Ardia di San Costantino Horse Race - Horse Riding Holidays and Safaris

L’ardia Di San Costantino is one of the biggest festivals in Sardinia, Italy. Taking place every year on July 6 and 7, this exciting horse race commemorates Constantine’s victory at the Milvian Bridge in 312. Besides watching the races, the large array of food stands makes it a great festival for enjoying gourmet food. After the race, everyone trudges down to the priest’s house for a few sips of vernaccia (the local wine) and a mouthful of pastry. Then it’s on to the houses of the flag bearers for more of the same.



Italian Lasagna Recipe - Recipe Mash

Lots of you may recognize Lasagna or may have it throughout your daily meals, however, that is an Italian cuisine. Lasagna is a wide, stacked layer of thin flat pasta noodles. It is made with ragù, tomato sauce, béchamel sauce, cheese, and mozzarella or Parmigiano Reggiano or a combination of the two. And it also concentrates the flavour of the meat. Lasagne originates from Naples and it is one of those Italian traditional foods that all gourmands look forward to on their trip to Italy.

Fiorentina Steak

How to Grill Florentine-Style Steak (Bistecca Alla Fiorentina)

A Bistecca alla Fiorentina, or also known as Florentine T-bone steak, covers all of the characteristics of Italy’s best dishes: a specific cut of meat from a specific cow prepared in a very specific way all within the confines of a specific region. Usually, it’s cooked until the outside is cooked and the inside remains very rare. It is one of the most popular dishes of Tuscan (a city in central Italy) cuisine.


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